Wednesday, March 15, 2006

quick update

day 5 of spring break
hand completed:
hands left to complete: 3471

its been a grind, starting 2-tabling and 3-tabling the $1/$2 6max tables. i feel a little pressured because i dont really have the roll to be 2-3 tabling at this limit, i have about $250 in the site right now, which means in actuality with the bonus money that i have already cleared...i've lost about $120 already at Royal Vegas. Its hard to play against people who constantly call your AK down with middle/low pair on the board when my hands don't hit so well. I admit that i have been spewing chips some... i need to learn to control the hands that miss, and better evaluate myself when i think i have the second best hand. the variance is a lot higher with 6max tables so i know to expect bigger swings of wins and losses. at this rate, i will barely break even, after the bonus money has been cleared. I should end up with $700 at the very least by the end of my bonus, but it doesn't look like thats how its going to end with the way that i'm playing. I have to make better folds and not push so hard with hands that miss. Blaming my losses on getting sucked out is unacceptable...those will always happen but there are definately other leaks in my game that have developed that were not there before.

i felt pretty frustrated all day because i had been having more losing sessions than winning sessions so far this break so i took a short rest from online poker and decided to play some live No Limit at the house tonight for Johnny's birthday. It was a good break, my no limit game has been getting a little rusty and it was good to get back at it. Was doing pretty well up about $25 until one hand with fid that i fucked up pretty bad, my pocket 10's vs his QQ. I brought in a raise preflop with $3 and he then re-raised with another $5 on top. I know him well enough that he doesn't do this unless he has a premium pocket pair, not even AK but at least JJ and up. But i let my emotions get the best of me and i pushed all in, knowing i was already behind. He called my re-raise of $19 and and his QQ held up and i was left with $.75 Johnny then came over and staked me $10, and by the end of the night i had built that up to $41. It feels good that johnny trusts in my poker abilities enough to stake me and know that i'm going to make money. he's definately a player that i respect and i hope to be at his level soon eough. What was stupid about my play tonight was, in that crucial hand against Fid, i knew i was already pretty behind, but i let my enmotions get the best of me and i pushed hard. If the same situation occured online, that definately would have been an easy fold. I need to poslish my live game fundamentals more, but its all good...i'll have time for that later.

Points to Focus on for the rest of the bonus-clearing:

  • be able to lay down hands that miss flop when you have one or more callers
  • remember that position is key in limit, play your hands in better positions
  • stop being so passive in early/middle position with borderline hands
  • learn to fold more often
  • trust my instincts, they're more often right than wrong.
  • revitalize my aggressive play that won consistently before
  • be able to move down to lower limits if you're not comfortable with the bankroll.


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