Tuesday, May 23, 2006

day 13...ugh

Holdem results ($1/$2 6max LHE) session 1
Time played today: 1 hour
Results today (green=win; red=loss): -$42.63
Results for May: +$ 515.84
Holdem bankroll: $616.13

opened up 3 tables for a quick morning session, and it started out pretty well. was up +$20 on one table, and +$10 on another table...then everything turned to shit. session ended horrendously...had AK about 6 times, lost everytime with it. QQ held up everytime though, suprisingly. Just could not hit with premium hands, and only won small pots. Got rivered with KK with someone's gay 2 pair in a big pot, everything just wasnt clicking. hopefully i'll play another session later and make more out of it...this session was just bad in every way possible.

Holdem results ($1/$2 6max LHE) session 2
Time played today: 52 minutes
Results today (green=win; red=loss): +$85.00
Results for May: +$ 600.84
Holdem bankroll: $701.13

after i got back from some job searching, I came home and sat back down and decided to play some more poker. played solid, opened up 3 tables as usual. I discovered this: if you feel that the table is unprofitable, leave. simple as that. There were a couple of tables that I felt i just wouldnt get payed off that well one after i played a couple of hands and just left and found other tables. I think during the course of my session I opened and sat in about 10 different tables. played solid and smart. I need to learn to maintain my A game like this for future playing. Feeling good, maybe i'll get in another session later.
Holdem results ($1/$2 6max LHE) session 3
Time played today: 50 minutes
Results today (green=win; red=loss): -$40.88
Results for May: +$ 559.96
Holdem bankroll: $660.25

last and final session: well, leave it up to variance...sigh. played another session, everything started out pretty good, was up on all three tables but then i started to get a cold deck on a couple of tables. people weren't respecting my raises much either since i wasnt hitting all night. got JJ and QQ a lot, and lost almost every pot with these hands against an Ace hitting on flop, turn, or river. nothing i can really say about this session, i really do believe i played solid all throughout...just could not get people to fold even preflop. i hope tomorrow is better.

i want to try this out tomorrow:
-once i reach +$10 on any table, leave and open a new one.


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