Wednesday, June 14, 2006

PokerTracker Breakdown of PokerStars 6max

(as compared to the 2+2 6max article)
26,161 Hands Played
Green = too high in relation to recommended statistic
Red = too low in relation to recommended statistic

Recommended Statistics for Voluntary Put $ In Pot (VPIP) and Preflop Raise (PFR)
30% VPIP: 25%
20% PFR: 16%

my statistics:

I know this already, but I need to tighten up. I need to stop playing
too many marginal hands out of position. The key word is too many, in short handed hold'em it is necessary and certainly profitable to some extent to play some marginal hands, you just dont have to play all of them. I have to work on folding K-x suited and Q10o, similar hands like these are costing me a lot of money when i get involved in a pot.
Recommended statistic for Voluntarily Put $ in from Small Blind (VPIP from SB)
VPIP from SB:

my statistic:
VPIP from SB:

obviously i am playing way too many hands from the small blind. I have to remember that in 6max play, there are fewer opportunities were there are enough players to make limping in with 89s is a profitable play. FEWER LIMPERS = FEWER IMPLIED ODDS.
Recommended statistic for Folded SB to Steal:
Fold. steal SB:

my statistic:
Fold. steal SB:

i'm not worried about this, my statistic is close enough. When defending small blind, you want to take the initiative back and 3bet or fold, thats usually a good line.
Recommended statistic for Folded BB to Steal:
Fold. steal BB:

my statistic:

I am right in the money for this, the lower this statistic is, the better it is. You are getting good odds to play a wide variety of hands and you should play them profitably. Your decision to defend your BB is based on a lot of factors but in short handed 6max it is especially necessary to keep this statistic as low as possible, if're just giving away your blinds too often and make it easy for people to raise with any two just to get you to fold.
Recommended statistic for Attempt to Steal Blinds:

my statistic: 20.41%

i'm not worried about this statistic, because in low limit just isnt that effective to raise from the cut off or the button in order to steal because it will barely work. People call way too often and sometimes are waiting to 3bet against you. I should concentrate on picking my spots carefully though
Recommended statistic for Aggression Factors:

agression factors for 6max games should significantly be higher than in full ring because you are defending your blinds more often. They should also generally decrease street by street.

recommended flop aggression:
2.5 - 3.5

my statistic:

breakdown: I'm very proud of this statistic, could be a little bit higher but i'm good with this. I'm pushing hard with my hands and draws on the flop but not overplaying them, which still gives me a lot of credit and respect from opponents. Any higher than 3.5 and you're definately overplaying and people will call you down regardless if they hit flop or not

recommended turn/river aggression: 1.5-2.5

my statistic:
3.90 (turn) 4.08 (river)

although these numbers are high, this is my style that works for me. I punish my opponents on the turn and river with big bets and check-raises that maximize profit. I also like to throw in bluff-raises on the turn, because it is a lot harder to call down a 4BB bet on turn rather than 2 BB bet on the flop. Most players are not able to see through this bluff when it is picked appropriately.

Recommended statistic for Went to Showdown:

my statistic for Went to Showdown
WtSD: 31.42%

in 6max you will go to show down more often due to the small number of players in the field, and the likelihood of your opponent missing the board as well. I think my stats are good for this, i don't want to be showing down a lot of hands, as opponents can see how i played specific hands...but its good when you know you're ahead.
Recommended statistic for Won Money at Showdown:

my statistic

this statistic is particularly interesting. This means that i'm losing more than half of my hands, and yet i'm still making good money and maintaining a good win rate. This can only mean that i am getting paid off big on my strong hands and losing a lot of small pots. Its strange, but i guess it is due to my aggression that makes this statistic and my win rate possible. I know can i improve this more, and i've been working on this the past few days. I need to trust my instinct more when i think i'm beat and just end up calling the river because "its just one more bet". I can confidently say that more than 80% of the time my instincts are right and i still make that losing call which is costing me too much money.

Recommended statistic for win rate:
win rate:
>0.00 BB/100 hands

my statistic:
4.51 BB/100 hands

anything above 0 BB/100 hands designates a winning player. granted, this all depends on your sample base of hands played. everyone generally states that 10k hands played will give you a good estimate to really see where you are in terms of BB/100 hands. I have played over 40k hands, and my win rate is still sustained at greater than 4.0 BB/100 hands (at PokerStars).

1.0 BB/100 hands designates a winning player
2.0 BB/100 hands designates a good winning player
3.0 BB/100 hands designates a solid winning player
4.0 BB/100 hands not possible to sustain over a long period of time

it seems odd to consider that after 40,000 hands played, it must still be in the "statistically too small of a sample size" category, since I am pulling in >4.0 BB/100 hands. there is still so much to learn about this game, thinking on the next level, and post-OAK bluffs and such. you can not ever get complacent no matter what level you are on.


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